Third Broadband Data Collection Filing Window Opens Updated Fabric Now Available
The Broadband Data Collection (BDC) filing window opened on July 3, 2023. Please be reminded that all facilities-based providers of fixed or mobile broadband Internet and voice, including providers of interconnected voice over Internet protocol, are required to file broadband availability and subscription data, as well as voice availability and subscription data, as of June 30, 2023.
The Broadband Serviceable Location Fabric (Fabric), which serves as the foundation for collection of broadband availability data, has been updated. Providers who are already licensees of the Fabric are receiving an email from CostQuest regarding access to the June 2023 Fabric data.
BDC filings must be submitted no later than September 1, 2023. If you need assistance with the BDC filing or access to the Fabric, please contact Robin Tuttle at [email protected] or Hilary Hoyle at [email protected].