Archive for September 2020 | Monthly archive page

REMINDER: C-Band Satellite Lump Sum Relocation Deadline is Monday, September 14, 2020

The FCC has set a September 14, 2020 deadline by which an incumbent earth station licensee must notify the Commission if it wants to accept a “lump sum” amount of money in exchange for reimbursement of reasonable transition costs. Earth station licensees/operators should look carefully at the attached materials to make a decision about which […]

C-Band Auction 107 Short-Form Application Window Now Open – Applications to Participate Due September 22

C-Band Auction 107 Short-Form Application Window Now Open – Applications to Participate Due September 22 Reminder: Applications to participate in Auction 107 for the 3.7 to 3.98 GHz band must be filed by September 22. Please see below for more details. The Federal Communications Commission (“FCC” or “Commission”) has released a Public Notice announcing the […]