International Section 214 Authorization Holders Must Respond to One-Time Information Collection Regarding Foreign Ownership Due January 22, 2024
Every International Section 214 Authorization Holder (“Authorization Holder”) must respond to a One-Time Information Collection in order to update the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) records regarding foreign ownership. The window for filing is open now and responses are due no later than 11:59 pm Eastern Time on January 22, 2024. Failure to file, to file timely, or to file in a complete manner may result in cancellation of the International 214 Authorization (“Authorization”) and imposition of forfeitures and other measures.
The FCC encourages Authorization Holders to file as early as possible prior to the January 22 deadline so the Authorization Holder has sufficient time to address questions about the information collection and the filing system prior to the filing deadline. Importantly, if an Authorization Holder needs to correct an error on any question before it certifies and submits its responses, the Authorization Holder will need to send an email to [email protected] to request a new link to retake the One-Time Information Collection.
There is a limited exemption for filing certain information if the Authorization Holder obtained the Authorization within the three years prior to the upcoming January 22 deadline, and the Authorization Holder meets certain other criteria.
Information and instructions about the One-Time Information Collection and filing system may be found at Access to the filing system is available at
If an Authorization Holder no longer needs or uses an Authorization, the FCC encourages the Authorization Holder to surrender the Authorization. If an Authorization is surrendered prior to the upcoming January 22 filing deadline then the Authorization Holder will not need to respond to the information collection for that Authorization.
Please contact Robin Tuttle at [email protected] or Hilary Hoyle at [email protected] if you have any questions about this filing requirement or if you would like assistance with the filing.
Herman & Whiteaker, LLC | 6720B Rockledge Drive, Suite 150, Bethesda, MD 20817