FCC Extends Upcoming Deadline for Filing Broadband Data Collection Data Until September 15, 2023
The Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) has extended the September 1, 2023 deadline for filing Broadband Data Collection (“BDC”) data until September 15, 2023, due to certain broadband serviceable locations not being included in the most recent production of the June 2023 Fabric. CostQuest is sending an updated version of the June 2023 Fabric to licensees by August 1, 2023, along with a change list to identify any added locations. The updated Fabric files will be labeled with “rel_3_2” in the file name.
BDC filers that have already uploaded or submitted fixed broadband availability will need to re-upload or resubmit their data based on the updated Fabric release, and the FCC provides guidance for revising and/or uploading new data at https://help.bdc.fcc.gov/hc/en-us/articles/8148143112859-Revising-a-Submitted-BDC-Filing-. Refiling is not necessary for fixed broadband availability filers that already submitted data as a polygon.
Bulk challenges to the June 2023 version of the Fabric will continue to be accepted on a rolling basis until September 8, 2023, and entities preparing such challenges may continue without interruption. Challengers may benefit from reviewing the change list for the updated June 2023 Fabric, as some challenges may have already been accommodated. Any challenges that seek to add locations that have already been included in the revised June 2023 Fabric will be processed with confirmation to the challenger that the locations have already been updated.
Please contact Robin Tuttle at [email protected] or Dee Herman at [email protected] if you have any questions about this extension or the upcoming BDC filing.