FCC Announces Updated Policy on Visitors Allowing Pre-Scheduled Meetings at New L Street Headquarters
On June 9, 2022, the Federal Communications Commission’s (“FCC”) headquarters at 45 L Street NE will open to visitors with scheduled appointments, lifting restrictions that have been in place since March 12, 2020. All scheduled visitors will have an FCC contact who will be responsible for escorting the visitor throughout their time at the FCC facility.
All visitors will need to abide by safety protocols, including using the CDC Facility Access Tool to screen for symptoms of COVID-19 and, if the FCC facility is located in a County where the COVID-19 Community Level is Medium or High a completed Certification of Vaccination form or a recent FDA-authorized COVID-19 Negative Test Result. For more information on preparing for a visit to the FCC please refer to the new “Visiting FCC Facilities” page at https://www.fcc.gov/visiting-fcc-facilities.
We are looking forward to being back in the FCC with our clients and colleagues.