Due October 15, 2019
Covered 911 Service Providers must file the 911 Reliability Certification with the FCC by October 15, 2019 via the FCC’s online system at: https://apps2.fcc.gov/rcs911/. The 911 Reliability Certification System is now open for the annual filing.
Covered 911 Service Providers are providers of 911, E911, or NG911 capabilities such as call routing, automatic location information (ALI), automatic number identification (ANI), or the functional equivalent of those capabilities, that directly serve a public safety answering point (PSAP), statewide default answering point, or appropriate local emergency authority. A Covered 911 Service Provider also includes providers that operate one or more central offices that directly serve a PSAP, specifically a central office that hosts a selective router or ALI/ANI database, that provides 911 capabilities, or that is the last service-provider facility through which a 911 trunk or administrative line passes before connecting to a PSAP.
Providers must certify their compliance with requirements related to: (1) circuit diversity, (2) central office backup power; and (3) diverse network monitoring. If a provider falls within the definition of a Covered 911 Service Provider solely because it provides administrative lines to a PSAP, then the provider is only required to certify compliance with the backup power requirements for the relevant central offices.
If you have any questions or need assistance with the 911 Reliability Certification filing, please contact Robin Tuttle at [email protected] or Colleen von Hollen at [email protected].